5 billion years ago - The earth was formed by tiny rocks colliding. Then another planet hit the earth and a blood wave races around the earth.
4.5 billion years ago - Earth looked like hell more than home. In the beginning, the sun sets 3 hours after it rises. Over time, the days became longer and lasted just 6 hours.
3900 million years ago - There are meteorites filled with a small amount of water. The meteorites then hit the earth, making it cool enough to form the crust. There was the moon spinning really close to the earth causing the earth to spin faster than it does today. Over time, the moon moves away, causing the earth rotation to slow,
3800 million years ago - The infant earth now has water and land. The atmosphere is toxic and the temperature is scorching hot. There are chemicles on the planet and the chemicles have created life. The single celled organisms are the earliest form of life
3500 million years ago - Photosynthesis turns carbon dioxide into glucose. The oxygen created in the ocean goes above the waters which then transforms into the atmosphere.
1500 million years ago - During this time, there was no plants, animals, or humans on earth. The earth had the power of force to change anything.
750 million years ago - Heat strengths and weakens the crust. Volcanoes then pump carbon dioxide into the air. In a few thousand years, the temperature plummets to -50 degrees.
650 million years ago - The ice that was created was unstoppable. The more the ice is, the more the sunlight is reflected and more ice spreads. All the suns light and warmth then gets reflected into space. After 15 million years, the ice begins to melt. The volcanoes at the time gave out more carbon dioxide and the temperature begins to rise. At 600 million years ago, the atmosphere was warmer and the day lasted about 22 hours long.
540 million years ago - There was the Kamri explosion. The life in the ocean begins blossoming. There was this fish called altmancarris. Altmancarris is 67 centimeters long. Later, creature began to take on familiar forms. Below the ocean , there are thousands of plants and animals.
460 million years ago - The plates have moved again. The sun blasts the earth with deadly radiation, but the ozone layer absorbs the radiation. Over time the ozone layer gets thicker.
375 million years ago - There were Tic Talics. Tic Talics were a strange type of fish. It's neck allowed the fish to raise itself up. They used their fins as if they were legs.
360 million years ago - The earth was once a burning rock, but now full of life. When the plants die, the heat from the sun will turn the dead plants into coal. The coal we have today are the dead plants 360 million years ago.
250 million years ago - There is a enormous pressure beneath the surface. There then is the Permian extinction. The ash burns, suffocates and kills the animals. Now there are no signs of life. There is algae in the water. Nothing except algae can survive in the water. 250 million years ago, we almost started where we started 5 billion years ago, a lifeless planet.
200 million years ago - There are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were 405 meters tall and repopulated the earth. When the animals die in the ocean, they fall to the ocean floor. In the next 10 million years, the rock will bury and heat the dead animals in the ocean.
180 million years ago - The earth is taking change. Every time the earth changes, the things living on it has to adapt to it. A pulsar now existed on the earth. The pulsar had huge teeth.
65 million years ago - There is an asteriod that is 10 kilometers wide. It is as big as Mt. Everest. The asteriod is going so fast that it is going to hit the earth in the Gulf of Mexico. It will strike with immense force that anything that gets hit will be destroyed and the asteriod is going to vaporize. After the asteriod hits, the earth is aimed in every direction. The earth is now 275 degrees, and is also dark. Without light, plants die and the animals will not survive. The dinosaurs have ended and are long dead. The planet is peacful.
47 million years ago - The plates are on the move again. India moves to Asia. Both the plates buckle and a mountain rises. It is 8,000 meters tall. This mountain are the Himalayas.
4 million years ago - The mountains are like a wall and because of the mountains, we evolved from apes. We evolved from apes because the tectonic plates crashed together making a mountain.
70 thousand years ago - There are Homo Sapiens. Homo Sapiens are another early form of humans.
40 thousand years ago - The earth is frozen. This is the ice age. The planet will never be the same again.
20 thousand years ago - America is the last place to be colonized
14 thousand years ago - The ice is melting from the ice age.
6 thousand years ago - Things are moving to the poles
0 years ago - We are here